Weekend Shaktipat Meditation & Blessing Retreat
May 10-12, 2019. @Nileshwar Shaktipat Meditation, Wellness & Spiritual Retreat Center, Youngstown, OH.
Friday – 7-9pm
Saturday – 9:45am – 5pm
Sunday – 9:45am – 3pm
In order to calm the restless mind, silence is necessary to wean the mind into a state of peace and serenity. Keeping silence requires establishing an environment of solitude in which practicing silence is supported and nurtured. Chanting calms the restless mind and prepares it for enjoying and taking refuge in silence. So, these three are interdependent where making the restless mind quiet is concerned. And, if you don’t address your restless mind, you can never know God.
But what is silence? What is true solitude and how does the power of sound, combined with Mantra carry us to the direct experience of Solitude and Silence?
Shaktipat Meditation & Blessing Retreat
In this 2.5-day weekend Shaktipat Meditation retreat Sadguru Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing will be given. This entire retreat will then be devoted to the practice of creating an environment of solitude, keeping silence and the use of the chanting of powerful, live Mantras for carrying us to the experience of silence and solitude. There will be long periods of silence and meditation during this retreat.
Additional Benefit
One month after this retreat, we offer you a Free, 3-hour retreat followup orientation. In this orientation that is scheduled at the end of this weekend retreat, you are taught the first part of course 1 of The Secret To Self-Realization series of courses. This followup orientation is also designed to offer you any support you need in applying the methods taught in this retreat. **The retreat followup orientation is webcast live, for those who do not live in the region of our retreat center.
This weekend Shaktipat meditation retreat will take place at Nileshwar Shaktipat Meditation, Wellness & Spiritual Retreat Center, 841 Boardman-Canfield Rd., Suite 302, Youngstown (Boardman), Ohio 44512. **This location is handicapped accessible.
$495 with accommodations
$385 without accommodations
- Vegan meals included at no cost. ($50 value)
- Free participation in monthly teleconference satsangs each and every month, post retreat (priceless)
- Two of Sadguru Kedarji’s books – Vibration of Divine Consciousness and The Ecology of Wellness – eBook downloads, free ($25 value)
- 3 of Sadguru Kedarji’s talks on video, as MP4 downloads (2 talks on Humility, Reverence and Longing/Bhakti + 1 New years Message talk, $89 value)
- The Free, retreat followup orientation.
If you want to enroll someone under the age of 18, contact us. If this is your first Shaktipat retreat with Sadguru Kedarji, you will receive and intensive questionnaire which you must submit for us to complete your enrollment. You will receive that after you enroll, and before your payment is processed.
**View a Free online video to experience and learn more about our Shaktipat Meditation Retreat and Sadguru Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing.